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Teacher Profile - Say Hi to Hanri


We thought it would be nice for you to get to know our lovely team a little more, so we'll be featuring a profile on each of them over the coming months here on out blog. First up Hanri, Hanri teaches her Vinyasa Flow class Tuesday 7.30PM & Thursday 7AM.

How long have you been practicing yoga?

I started practicing yoga 21 years ago when I was at University. I have been teaching for around 11 years.

What brought you to yoga in the first place? As a student, I was looking to find an exercise routine that didn't involve a gym membership and I read that Madonna had swapped the gym for yoga. At the age of 19, that was pretty inspiring!

Why do you love to practice?

I love that a yoga posture practice makes use of the whole body, from the inner core all the way to the tips of the toes and fingers - that intense physical awareness combined with breath awareness nourishes my mind and soul in ways I could never have imagined.

What style of yoga do you practice and teach?

I practice and teach a Vinyasa style yoga - it's based on the traditional Ashtanga yoga series, but less rigid and more creative in sequencing. It's a flowing and movement based style that links the breath to movement and creates a stillness in the mind.

Why do you prefer this style?

I sit at a desk all day for work, so when I'm on my yoga mat I feel I need to move as much as possible. A Vinyasa Yoga practice gets the heart rate up, stretches the body and also tones muscles. The sequencing of postures are a little bit dance-like, and it's really fun trying to do upside-down postures that can initially seem impossible. It's a playful practice!

What can students expect from a "Hanri" class?!

Students can expect a different class every week, where we move fluidly from one pose to another without holding for very long. Starting with sun salutations, then standing balances we build up body heat so that we can try some fun challenging poses too. There's a misconception that you need to be strong, flexible or good at balancing to come along - but actually everyone is welcome because there are adaptations and there is progress to be made whatever your strength or flexibility. Most students who come along for the first time can't yet touch their toes (yet it happens surprisingly quickly when you become a regular).

Any favourite things about Oakham?

I love Mill Street. I'm proud that our little market town has such a range of successful independent retailers, and at the two opposite ends of Mill Street are two of my other Oakham favourites - the yoga studio and the library!

Try out a Hanri class - Reserve Here

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